How to prepare simple baklava

In this article you will learn how to prepare simple baklava. Stay with us

How to prepare baklava

Ingredients needed to prepare baklava dough:

2 egg yolks
glass of milk
Melted oil 2 tablespoons
Baking powder 1/2 tablespoon
Flour so that the dough does not stick to the hands
Extra oil for the middle and top of the baklava, 150 grams

Ingredients inside baklava:

Ground almonds or pistachios 500 grams
250 grams of powdered sugar
Ground cardamom 1 teaspoon

Baklava syrup ingredients:

Sugar 500 grams
A liter and a half of water
A cup of rose water

How to prepare baklava dough:

Mix the milk, baking powder, oil, and egg yolks, add the flour little by little, and mix and rub until the dough does not stick to your hands. We open part of the dough on the table with a rolling pin until it becomes a thin lavash sheet. Grease the bottom of a baking dish with the short edge of the oven, wrap the lavash around a rolling pin and spread it in the dish so that the edge of the dough is 23 cm higher than the edge of the dish.

You can distribute this dough into two or three layers. Naturally, They should be lubricated between them. Place the yeast in the middle of the baklava, distribute it, press the ingredients with the back of a spoon, and pour 4 tablespoons of melted oil over these ingredients. Spread another layer of dough over the ingredients. We cut off the excess and connect the edges of the dough to the dough at the bottom of the dish.

if you want, Instead of almond powder, You can use pistachio powder and walnuts to prepare the center of baklava. After the almond layer, you can prepare multi-colored baklava with another layer of pistachio or walnut mixture. With a sharp knife, Cut the baklava into a diamond shape, then put the rest of the oil on it and place the baklava disc on the first floor of the oven at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for a quarter of an hour. Then bake the baklava disc in the oven. oven for 15 minutes, We put it on the upper level of the oven until it becomes golden in color. Then we take it out and leave it to cool a little.

after that, Pour the syrup over the baklava in three steps, one hour each, and sprinkle some pistachio pieces over the baklava. We cut the baklava again into diamonds, take them out one by one from the plate, place them in the desired dish and cover them with the food container.

Preparing blanched almonds for baklava, The almonds are soaked in boiling water for an hour. During this time, its skin can easily be peeled off by hand. Then we grind the peeled almonds with sugar in a home grinder until the almond powder becomes smooth and uniform.

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