How to prepare baklava

In this article, you will learn how to prepare a delicious baklava. Stay with us

Ingredients needed to prepare baklava:

500 grams of almonds
250 grams of sugar
A full spoon of cardamom powder
2 egg yolks
Half a cup of milk
2 full tablespoons of oil
150 to 200 grams of flour
Half a teaspoon of baking powder
Half a cup of rose water
Small metal molds

How to prepare baklava:

Mix the powdered milk, oil and egg yolks. We add the flour little by little and mix well so that the dough does not stick to our hands and does not become too hard. Then we rub the dough well and leave it in a nylon bag for two or three hours. We mix the almond paste and powdered sugar, then sprinkle a little flour on the table. If it is prepared in a box, take a ball of dough the size of a walnut. Sprinkle a little flour on the table and spread the dough as thin as possible. We open it and make sure to give it the shape of a box. We wipe the surface of the pita with a special flour brush. We place the box on the pita. We place a box and in this way you can put 2 to 3 sheets of lavash bread inside the box.

Then we fill the can with the prepared almond syrup and sugar and press the syrup with the back of a spoon until it becomes completely consistent and smooth. Sprinkle sugar, place two to four pita sheets on the box in the previous manner, and cut the baklava with a knife into rhombuses or squares. Then heat 150 grams of melted oil. We place them on the boxes in proportion and place the boxes inside the oven tray and place the tray on the first window of the oven so that the temperature is at 300 degrees so that it remains for a quarter of an hour and turns the baklava slightly golden. Take the tray out when it cools down. Pour the prepared syrup onto the cans.

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